Proposal: Stele

Proposal: Stele

pigmented cast glass, steel, wood, imprints w/names of extinct species

144” x 5” x 62”



concrete, steel, tarp fabric

84” x 48” x 48”

Proposal 6.jpg


steel, pigmented concrete

96” x 32” x 64”



Cast pigmented glass and mixed media

56” x 42” x 59.5”



basswood, concrete, metallic paint

192” x 141” 60”

Installation Proposal--as viewed from below

Installation Proposal--as viewed from below

12” tinted, transparent spheres nestled on a web of stainless steel cables forming a catenary curve; web hung at 12’-0” above floor

Installation Proposal--as viewed from below

Installation Proposal--as viewed from below

18” tinted, transparent spheres nestled on a web of stainless steel cables forming a catenary curve; web hung at 16’-0” above floor

Everyone in the Bible

Everyone in the Bible

stained basswood, river stone, gold leaf, rose petals, hydrocal

6” x 5.5” x 3.5”

3,237 people crammed into a claustrophobic narrative. What are the possibilities some things might happen?

4 states of apprehension: version 2

4 states of apprehension: version 2

hydrocal, pigment, poppy seeds

4.5” x 8” x 8”

4 states of apprehension: version 2

4 states of apprehension: version 2

hdyrocal, pigment, poppy seeds

4.5” x 8” x 8”





Matrix 2

Matrix 2

basswood, black felt

98” x 96” x 96”

Matrix 5

Matrix 5

basswood, acrylic paint, black felt

80” x 96” x 96”

Matrix 6

Matrix 6

basswood, acrylic paint, black felt

84” x 96” x 96”

Proposal: Matrix 20

Proposal: Matrix 20

basswood, acrylic paint, black felt

128” x 206” x 141”

Proposal: Matrix 18

Proposal: Matrix 18

basswood, acrylic paint, black felt

76” x 168” x 132”

Proposal: Matrix 44

Proposal: Matrix 44

basswood, acrylic paint,

96” x 96” x 96”

Proposal: Matrix 46

Proposal: Matrix 46

basswood, acrylic paint

116” x 96” x 124”

Proposal: Matrix 48

Proposal: Matrix 48

basswood, acrylic paint, black felt

108” x 96” x 164”


Proposal: Stele

pigmented cast glass, steel, wood, imprints w/names of extinct species

144” x 5” x 62”


concrete, steel, tarp fabric

84” x 48” x 48”


steel, pigmented concrete

96” x 32” x 64”


Cast pigmented glass and mixed media

56” x 42” x 59.5”


basswood, concrete, metallic paint

192” x 141” 60”

Installation Proposal--as viewed from below

12” tinted, transparent spheres nestled on a web of stainless steel cables forming a catenary curve; web hung at 12’-0” above floor

Installation Proposal--as viewed from below

18” tinted, transparent spheres nestled on a web of stainless steel cables forming a catenary curve; web hung at 16’-0” above floor

Everyone in the Bible

stained basswood, river stone, gold leaf, rose petals, hydrocal

6” x 5.5” x 3.5”

3,237 people crammed into a claustrophobic narrative. What are the possibilities some things might happen?

4 states of apprehension: version 2

hydrocal, pigment, poppy seeds

4.5” x 8” x 8”

4 states of apprehension: version 2

hdyrocal, pigment, poppy seeds

4.5” x 8” x 8”



Matrix 2

basswood, black felt

98” x 96” x 96”

Matrix 5

basswood, acrylic paint, black felt

80” x 96” x 96”

Matrix 6

basswood, acrylic paint, black felt

84” x 96” x 96”

Proposal: Matrix 20

basswood, acrylic paint, black felt

128” x 206” x 141”

Proposal: Matrix 18

basswood, acrylic paint, black felt

76” x 168” x 132”

Proposal: Matrix 44

basswood, acrylic paint,

96” x 96” x 96”

Proposal: Matrix 46

basswood, acrylic paint

116” x 96” x 124”

Proposal: Matrix 48

basswood, acrylic paint, black felt

108” x 96” x 164”

Proposal: Stele
Proposal 6.jpg
Installation Proposal--as viewed from below
Installation Proposal--as viewed from below
Everyone in the Bible
4 states of apprehension: version 2
4 states of apprehension: version 2
Matrix 2
Matrix 5
Matrix 6
Proposal: Matrix 20
Proposal: Matrix 18
Proposal: Matrix 44
Proposal: Matrix 46
Proposal: Matrix 48